Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports
Financial Highlights:
Annual Reports
Single Audit Reports
Small, Local & Emerging Business (SLEB) Program
County of Alameda Countywide Oversight Board
Our Mission
The Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder Agency, through the efforts of its employees, shall provide the highest degree of accountability and service when administering public funds and in the protection of official public records.
– Melissa Wilk, Auditor-Controller
What do we do?
The Auditor-Controller/Clerk-Recorder is a combined agency delivering essential services such as countywide auditing, accounting, financial management, and issuing and safeguarding vital records.

Issue more than $6 billion payments to over 9,000 vendors

Prepare over 50 mandated federal, state, and local financial reports

Allocate tax revenue to over 80 taxing jurisdictions, including cities, schools, and special districts

Calculate and issue more than 200,000 payroll checks

Issue over 92,000 birth, death, and marriage certificates

Issue nearly 7,000 marriage licenses and perform over 3,000 marriage ceremonies

Serve over 170,000 members of the pubic, in-person and online