
Electronic Document Recording (eRecording)

What is eRecording?

The Electronic Recording Delivery Act (ERDA) of 2004 (Assembly Bill 578) mandates that the Attorney General certify and oversee any electronic recording delivery system (ERDS) developed by a county. The ERDS Program, established within the Department of Justice by the Attorney General, is responsible for implementing these requirements.

Regulations to administer the ERDA have been established under Title 11, Division 1, Chapter 18, Articles 1 through 9 of the California Code of Regulations. These regulations define guidelines, procedures and standards to ensure the security of an ERDS.

Alameda County utilizes the California Electronic Recording Transaction Network Authority (CeRTNA) platform which provides an AB 578 compliant Multi-County Electronic Recording Delivery System for counties in California to be able to streamline the e-recording of documents.

If you are interested in eRecording with Alameda County, please contact any of the approved Agents listed here: CeRTNA Approved Agents – CeRTNA. These Agents are certified to submit electronic recordings to CeRTNA County recorders through CeRTNA.

For more information, please visit: eRecording with CeRTNA Counties – CeRTNA