
Real Property Sales & Transfers
Confirm Recording of a Document

The County Recorder is the guardian of real property records for Alameda County property owners and citizens. California law governs which documents may be filed or recorded with the County Recorder. Once accepted, documents are indexed for retrieval and preserved for access by the public. Copies are made available upon payment of a copy fee.

Real property records, which date back to 1853 when the County became incorporated, can be found alphabetically by names of parties identified on the documents. The indexes to documents recorded prior to 1969 are found on microfilm while documents recorded from 1969 to the present can be found on the Recorder’s online computer index.

To confirm the recording of a document within the last three months, you may search online or call the Customer Service Unit at 1-888-280-7708 for the Recorder’s instrument number assigned to the document. You will need the type of document and the names of the parties shown on the document.


NOTE: This office does not research lien information. For information regarding a lien,  view Lien Research.